Controversial opinions and Piers Morgan are a match made in heaven, the two go together like the plague and health knowledge of the 1600's but why is one virus still allowed to thrive so comfortably in society and the other wiped out?
In a modern day era of new age mumbo jumbo and gender fluidity confusion, one man has decided shouting questions and voicing his opinion is the way forward, a man yet to encounter any shred of adversity within his life.
While without discrediting the hugely successful career that Morgan has carved out for himself, it is rather hard to understand how his popularity has remained so steady despite his questionable ethical views of past professions.

The 53-year-old was more than happy to turn a blind eye to ambiguous activity when it suited him but having a member of the public express their liberal views is a step too far for the former newspaper editor.
Much like a virus when the host began to grow healthy, the infection mutated from print publication to television - where he has sculpted a niche area for himself from shouting down Love Island contestants for their sexualisation to shouting on social media about sexualisation.
Morgan once again reached his monthly boiling point when he criticised female music artists Little Mix for utilising their sexuality to 'sell records' following their recent ad campaign (pictured below).

While this outburst erupted from one member of the band using a derogatory term to describe the television presenter on a radio platform, this was the perfect scape goat opportunity for the father of four to release his pressurised opinion regarding female sexuality that had been bteeing within.
The comment made on Twitter attracted the attention of Joan Grande, mother of Ariana Grande, as she came to the defence of the female group whose original message was ignored in favour of an alternative one that would attract headlines and response from Piers’ 6.47m followers.
While their mini-conversation was tame, it was Ariana who voiced the strongest and most respectful view of all as she said below following another comment from Morgan who labelled American TV host Ellen DeGeneres as a hypocrite:
However, in the most blatant instance of a pot calling the kettle black, the former editor of The Sun, tweeted in reply: "Of course, women can do what they like - but if they/you use nudity to sell records to impressionable young female fans, I'll continue to call them/you out on it."
So can women do what they want?
Of course, women have the right to do whatever they want within the confines of the law, and Morgan is in no way the authority regarding female sexuality, however he is entitled to his opinion.
What followed was Grande seeing no further reason to reply to a man who shares such a drastic difference in opinion, while Piers in one last, almost desperate swing of the beaten fighter invited the singer on his morning breakfast show. No reply.
Morgan took to twitter minutes after the spat that had encapsulated social media for half an hour to boast about his new found relevance on Twitter trends, thanking those he had previously been in conversation with a series of a dozen tweets over a three hour period - before taunting other women on twitter to come to the defence of those he has commented on earlier.

What remains clear is that the author, presenter, editor, and father enjoys debate while deciding on his own morality and failing to be dictated by those who may have far more insight than he.
Women have often been persecuted, criticised and in many cases bullied in society with only now more than ever have their opinions and intelligence become as respected as their male counterpart, yet Morgan who maintains such a strong conservative christian mindset, coming from a well structured family, well educated background, with a shady past career - is still yet to learn that not all opinions from the 1800's are valid in 2018, but yet dinosaurs do not normally live this long.
Confused Concern

While Piers had every right to respond to Little Mix following their derogatory reference on him to the audio audience - his honed in criticism of the band was not just wrong - it was off point.
The artists recently promoted their single 'Strip' and this was done by posing nude, (with no sexual body parts exposed) coupled with writing on their flesh of negative comments they have experience.
While to the naked eye, woman are posing without clothes, but to those willing to look further the reasons why go far behind promotional sales.
The band used the image to promote body positivity and connote that they are comfortable within their own skin regardless of the comments - a lot of which derive from social media.
Outside female performers and other members of the public were included within the video to promote empowerment.
Little Mix's Instagram share of the photo received almost one million likes which in the case of Morgan's comments will improve sales - yet suggesting that this is sexualising female empowerment is just not only wrong, but incredibly ignorant.
Women, just like men are free to do as they please, people should not be persecuted for their nudity.